Monday, March 17, 2008

Updates and pictures

The ultrasound today went great at the hospital. It was so weird being there...3 years ago today we were there in radiology seeing a heartbeat for the first time...that was twin #2 and we all know how that turned out. Well today we saw our little girl just hanging out, happy as a clam. She has great fluid, was practicing her breathing (her little mouth was even opening, it was so cute), and they said she looked terrific. They didn't measure her today (apparently the hospital follows the rules very closely and Dr. Swaim didn't specifically say to measure her), but they measured my cervix one last time, and it was hanging in there at 3.8cm. Tomorrow, we'll see the stitch that kept us hanging in there for so long! We see Dr. Swaim tomorrow morning, so we'll know about what we're looking at the next couple of weeks.

Oh, and she's still breech, kind of. They said she's actually between breech and maybe she's thinking about turning? We'll see.

Here are the pictures from 32 weeks and 34 weeks. We're already due for the last belly shot before delivery day this week believe it or not!!! Almost there!!
32 weeks

34 weeks

1 comment:

Tina / Anxious Changer said...

Wow! You look great!!! You should be back to being skinny fairly quickly after the baby arrives. :)