Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Major Update and ....Crossing the Snoogle...

So first, I just have to give you the latest update. She TURNED!!! I went to see Dr. Kirshon yesterday morning, and low and behold, she's head down!! So we cancelled my version for today...YAY!! Everyone was really surprised.

So details...first, it was really odd because I woke up to pee more than usual Sunday night and just felt a lot of pressure. I'm thinking she turned sometime during the night. Then while I was sitting in the waiting room, she was all over the place, people across the room could see her moving...something had definitely changed because you could see EVERY move she made on the outside. First thing Dr. Kirshon checked was her position, and she was definitely head down! While she's doing great, things are definitely starting to happen (things we expected) and Dr. Kirson said it's time to have a baby! She's weighing in right at 6 lbs right now, but her movement is terrific obviously. Cord flow and placental flow looks great, too. Her amniotic fluid level is dropping though, it's down to 9.5. All signs that she's ready to come out, so Dr. Kirshon recommended she be delivered in the next 7-10 days...which is right on track with when we were hoping to induce.

I had to call Dr. Swaim's office since we had planned on the version, and I didn't even have an appt scheduled for the week. Dr. Swaim was way excited that she turned, her and Dr. Kirshon talked, and Dr. Swaim called me back herself. I'll see her on Thursday, and we will officially set an induction date for next week. She wants to give my cervix as much time as possible to ripen. Oh, and last week my cervix was 3.8cm the day before she removed the cerclage. Yesteday, it was 1.9cm!!! So at least it's going the right direction!

I'm just supposed to sit tight, monitor movement (again, someone across the room from me could monitor movement...she hasn't stopped moving since yesterday morning!), see her on Thursday, and be ready for next week!

Oh, and so there was a little privilege that came with the removal of the cerclage. ; ) I call it "crossing the snoogle"...you know that large pillow that separates you from your husband while you're pregnant...it may not be graceful, there may be a lot more laughing that usual, but hey, it had been since July, so I don't think anyone is complaining. ; ) Plus, now we're in the "we're doing it to help the cervix" mode, so we feel like we have a purpose. Funnily enough, everyone kept commenting on what a great mood Patrick was in on Sunday. : )

Ok, so one last belly picture update. Here are the newest pics followed by the complete progression. The only picture left to add to this bunch are the pics from induction day!!!!
Hopefully, I'll get motivated and take some updated nursery pics tomorrow. Mom still has my hamper and trash can, so they won't be the final pics, but close enough. ; )
36 weeks

Complete progression


Plant Girl said...

Awesome news that she turned and is not vertex! Woohoo!

I had to go back and reread a bit...I thought you had said you were strongly for going with a natural childbirth...then I saw your post about your childbirth class. So it's a moot point.

I was just going to recommend hiring a doula if you were still hoping for a natural, un-medicated birth. Pitocin augmented inductions are tough. I labored for almost 12 hours on pitocin before opting for an epidural. The pitocin affects your uterus differently and it never full relaxes between contractions, making it more difficult to relax and prepare for the next one.

Like I said, moot point if you're open to the idea of an epidural. Goodluck!!

Me said...

You can TOTALLY see the change in the SHAPE of your belly from 34 to 36 weeks in the pics!

KRISTI said...

Wow! I've been stalking your blog waiting for an update. Can you believe it? That within 2 weeks, you'll have a daughter?

Kirsten said...

Wow...it is just incredible to me that it is already time for this!! Your last belly shot...oh my gosh!!!
And kuddos to you guys for waiting ALL the way since July..holy schmoly that is a long time!!!!!!
Anticipating the updates on your baby girl's arrival :)

Tina / Anxious Changer said...

Like PlantGirl said, pitocin augments contacts quite a bit (I never had a natural contraction with my labor with my son) and they can be quite painful (although, I also had to go through cervical ripening since I wasn't even 1/2 cm dilated at 41 weeks). It sounds like you are open to trying naturally or medicated - all I can say is, do what is best for you when you get into it.

Best of luck! You look great. And, I am so, so glad she turned!