Tuesday, November 21, 2006


It's only 10dpo, but I went for my beta this morning. The office is closed the rest of the week, and they all wanted to know before the holidays. Theoretically, we should see something, mind you, it might be a beta of 7!

I'm pretty pessimistic right now. Two days ago I was convinced this was it! But since last night, the pessimism and reality of it all has set in. I think it's just a defense mechanism, but I've been pretty glum today. It's hard to put all that hope into that one little vial of blood. I just feel like I'm going to disappoint everyone yet again today...

So I wait...


Kirsten said...

OH my gosh!!! It was me!!! And I remember looking at you because I had all of my medications (a huge bag and two other boxes)with me and I was wondering if you were a new patient or not (I'm always curious about the other women in there)I wish I would have known it was you and that you were there for your beta!!! That's so cool that we finally crossed paths, I just wish we would've known! I got my 1st Lupron injection and our calendar for the rest of this cycle so it was both nerve-wracking and exciting.
I am praying & hoping the best for you today; I know you are anxious to get the call. Please let me know when you hear something, I will send happy thoughts your way all day!! And, hopefully you won't be going to see Dr. Mac for much longer so we'll have to see if we have the same Ob/Gyn!!!

Kirsten said...

I wanted to leave another comment because it's not showing that I left the first...hmmm.
Well, I hope you are doing okay (hopefully a lot more than okay)...

Tina / Anxious Changer said...

Thinking only positive thoughts for you... Keeping everything crossed! :)