Monday, November 13, 2006

The Courage to Believe Again...

Well, here I am...hopeful again in the middle of the prettiest cycle I've had in almost 3 years of trying. Femara is WONDERFUL!! It turned me into a normal girl!

On my cd 13 ultrasound, they found one beautiful juicy 20mm follicle and a luscious lining of 8.2mm. My body was ready! We triggered last Thursday...were "busy" Thurs-Sat, and now we wait...

It's hard to think about the possibilities. We've only had maybe 3 good chances this whole year (I was pregnant this time last year). People like me wait for even the opportunity to have a cycle where they might get pregnant...and here it is.

So we wait...and we hope.


KRISTI said...

Hoping coming from FL too!!!!

Kirsten said...

That sounds great!!! 20 mm is awesome, and so is 8.2...just where it should be!!! So will you be able to find out before Thanksgiving? I'll be praying for great Turkey Day news!!!!