Friday, October 06, 2006

Natural Selection is dead...

No response to 100mgs

I was pretty upset on Monday....but Happy Hour and a serious heart-to-heart with Patrick made it all better. I'm okay. Frustrated, not sure what to do next, but okay.

Sounds like we might try to up it to 150mgs for a cycle...and then we'll see where to go from there. They're talking about a new drug...Femara...could be the key. Or we'll be looking at injectables.

I was feeling very broken, but Patrick was great to remind me that this is only one tiny piece of our lives...I need to approach it that way, as a side project. And so far, that's going well.

I have decided however that Natural Selection is more survival of the fittest. Patrick and I are stronger, faster, smarter than these people we see trying to get 5 kids into a minivan at McDonald's...but we can't seem to do this. How is that supposed to make sense to this scientist? I understand that I have issues, but why so many? Why us? Why wouldn't the world want us in the gene pool?

Maybe our kids were meant to take over the world or something ; ) and someone's poisoning our drinking water to keep us from procreating...hahaha. Yep, that frappucino went straight to my head! At least I'm having what I call a "well adjusted week".


KRISTI said...

GREAT BIG HUGS!!! I'm sorry.
If it helps, when we were going through our "issues", my RE said that he's had a lot of success with femera.

Kirsten said...

I love your theory on natural selection...and I have to agree. It makes me feel better, anyway! The world's just not ready for our kids...yet!!! There's so much crap going on in the world now though that maybe there really is a reason they aren't in our lives just yet. But they will be.
I also need to remember that this is just a piece of our lives. It is so easy to get completely wrapped up in it.
I hope the 150 mgs do the trick. Keep us posted!